# Basic authentication

# Add more users

# Docker-compose

The default user and the password are test .

If you need multiple users in local authentication run the following code substituting <username> with the actual username of the new user to add:

The command will prompt you to choose a password for that user.

docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD/default-secrets/identity:/mnt" registry.gitlab.com/ontopic/studio/identity-service:v2024.1.4 htpasswd  /mnt/password-file-db <username>

The list of generated users is stored in ./default-secrets/identity/password-file-db .

Restart the identity-service to apply the changes:

docker compose restart identity-service

# Disable basic authentication

Basic authentication is enabled by default, to disable it, edit the .env file emptying the variable IDENTITY_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PASSWORD.

Change the value from:

