# Local Materialization in Ontopic Studio Desktop

Starting from Ontopic Studio 2024.1.3

Materialization to RDF is enabled by default.

# Locally stored files

Files are stored locally in the %AppData% folder.
You can open the folder containing the materialized files from the materialization file list. \

# Notes

Please ensure that there is sufficient space available to avoid potential storage issues and check if your environment backs up this directory to cloud storage.

# How to access the materialization folder of Ontopic Studio

The AppData folder contains all stored data that should be kept even in case of update or temporary uninstall of the application.
To access the AppData folder press Windows + R buttons to open the Run App.
In the run app text box, enter %AppData% and click OK. Windows will directly open up the Roaming folder.
You can now access the OntopicStudio folder and select materialization-result.